FCCLA at Pryor High

two girls

three girls in band room


On Tuesday, October 29, Pryor High School welcomed members of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) from 13 surrounding schools to the AVRA center for their annual FCCLA District meeting. The event provided an opportunity for students to connect, share common goals, and engage in fun activities such as pumpkin carving, role-playing, and competitive contests.

Pryor FCCLA students along with their teachers, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Rash, welcomed another special guest. Miss Oklahoma 2024 Lauren Frost was the guest speaker, inspiring students with her story and encouraging their commitment to family and community.

FCCLA is a national student organization focused on supporting families. According to FCCLA.org, “The work of FCCLA helps students and teachers address various youth concerns, including parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, sustainability, nutrition and fitness, teen violence, and career preparation in four specific Career Pathways. FCCLA’s mission empowers members to expand their leadership potential and develop essential life skills such as planning, goal setting, problem-solving, decision-making, and interpersonal communication—skills critical for success at home and in the workplace."

three teachers

pumkin decorating

one girl

putting on apron

pryor tiger shirt
